Saturday 15 March 2008

Download shared file in real-time

EatLime allows you to upload a large file while a colleague downloads it.
Obviously, it should also be useful for a quick and easy way to transfer large files from your desktop to your laptop. In Linux, can tarzip a large flder to make it a single file and then transfer it to the laptop, untar and there you go.
Can upload files up to 1GB in size with a free registration.
Worth a look.

Edit: 15-03-2008
Well, I did have a look this morning and I'm not sure about this. Yes, it does work, sort of but, at least in this very brief and rushed exercise, not very well at all.
I tried two 2MB .png photos, one 60 KB photo and another 1.5 MB jpg.
The only one I got was the very small (60 KB) jp.
All of the others failed/stopped/errored out during the transfer. So, I don't know.
Another problem, is that some of the links, particularly the one to allow you to choose a file to share, often doesn't work. It simply doesn't open at all.
So, on the basis of this experience, I would simply never use this EatLime -- it is just crap.
But, I'll try it again in a few weeks and see if things are any better.

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